Sunday 2 September 2007

Animal Holocaust

I'm not some bleeding heart anti hunting campaigner. I believe humans have a part to play in nature, and hunting sustainably is one way we can interact with nature. However... I have no sympathy or tolerance for the arrogant bastards who hunt and kill creatures to extinction. Worse still are those who kill just for fun or profit. If you kill an animal you need to use it: food, clothing, something useful. And you can't kill the animal if killing it causes it's species to go extinct as that is wasteful.

Some cultures today understand this, taking what they need but never too much and using every last part of the animal (see American aborigines). That is how nature works... nothing wasted.

So it distress' me to see things such as this and this and this. I could go on. It beggers belief that people could so callously do things like this. I hope they suffer painful, slow deaths themselves.

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