Sunday 9 September 2007

A World Without Humans

Imagine for second that humans simply ceased to exist. One day we all just disappeared. What would happen to the world once we were gone?

I've been watching a really interesting show called The Future Is Wild which is a rather pointless, but fun, exercise in evolutionary futurology. I'm always upset that so many creatures in the past died out before I got here to see them. Now I'm annoyed of the possibility of just as fabulous creatures in the future who I'm going to miss out on (for a very obvious reason!).

Thinking about a life after humanity I started reading up on the possible causes of our demise.... and that's how I found the VHEMT, The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement.

Although I think their dream of a designed demise of humankind is highly unlikely (humans are bloody annoyingly unpredictable and stubborn) I do agree with the idea of less people. And no I'm not into extermination either. But a lower birth rate might make this world a more pleasant place to live less people PLUS environmental concern would make this world a fun place again.

Sadly humans tend to like their boring, safe world. Hopefully one day nature will rise up and bite us on the arse. Then we'll all have to get back to living again.

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